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Redefining Customer Service

Customer service is becoming a bigger and bigger priority, customer service can make or break a company and it’s crucial that you do your best to stay ahead of the competition in this aspect. All relationships have an emotional component — and that holds true for the connection between people and brands.

So, what are some ways that you can redefine customer service? Continue reading to find a few ways that can lead to you innovating in this area.

Exceed expectations

Customers that receive amazing customer service will tend to return to the organisation that provided them with it. Regardless of how much customer spends in any one of their transactions, the loyalty that they show is potentially worth a lot more.

Thus, it’s in your best interest to not only meet the expectations of your customers but exceed them.

Not only can it separate you from the competition, but it can also generate loyalty in your customers who in turn will tend to purchase from you more often and possibly even spread their positive experiences with your company to other potential customers.

Measure customer satisfaction

Before you even think about how you can innovate, you should find out how your customers feel about your current service. What do they like? What do they think could be improved? Whether you find out through reviews, surveys, or social media, you should be doing everything you can to find out what your customers think about your company. Thankfully, technology makes this endeavour easier than ever now.

There are a lot of assumptions about what customers really want. It’s common to hear complaints about how difficult clients can be to please. While this can be true, it is still your responsibility to leave your clients and customers satisfied and to accomplish this, you have to find out how they feel.

Know thy customer

Know the demographic that your products and services will be popular with and should therefore be marketed to. Once you have that, find out more about them so that you can better offer what they need and how they want it to be offered.

By finding out what your customers really want ( you’ll gain more insight into how you can better innovate and redefine customer service.

Motivate your employees

Employees are the front-line ambassadors of your brand. As such, they need to be empowered to deliver on customer service promises at every level. While it is important to keep your customers satisfied, it is equally as important to make sure your employees are happy working for you.

Employees are usually more productive when they feel that they are being heard. Companies with high employee engagement are 21% more profitable. Furthermore, 74% of employees say that they are generally more effective at their job when they feel heard.

Moreover, one study discovered that, while companies are looking for new methods to improve, 82% of their staff members have ideas that could potentially be the solution the company needs to achieve their goals. And who knows, maybe one of these employees could have their own ideas on how to redefine customer service.


Want customers to remember you? Offer a more personal experience that will stick out in people’s minds. Greeting your customers/clients by name, offering personalised recommendations, and treating them to services above and beyond the norm will help you leave a lasting impression. .

Sometimes, all it takes to redefine customer service is changing your perspective and thinking outside the box. Other times, it just means doubling down on what you’re already doing right.


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